
Because you are guests with special needs i have a special offer for you. 
A full day or a half a day, it doens’t matter, i will pick you up in your hotel in my private minivan and we’ll drive to you’re desired location. after 4 or 8th hours i will bring you back to your hotel. i will try to see what’s possible and what’s not. 

Her’s how it goes: i am the driver (Duh!) and you are my guests, one wheelchair in the back with two guests next to him/her. In the front one more guest.
And here’s the catch: if you have one ”wheeler” and two guests my wife will / can join us for support / help and for fun.

Because you’re “special” guests the pricing will be no different then for the “regulars”

so you can rent me (and mij “Busje” that;s dutch for minivan) for:

€ 450,= Half a day
€ 750,= a whole day

Anything’s possible

When I say, “you’re in luck” I mean, “you’re in luck”

That’s a strange thing to say to persons in a wheelchair but when it comes to seeing the world in a wheelchair, you’re in luck and I know what I’m talking about.

As the head of the family I feel proud of having three children although two of them depend on a wheelchair. We try to make the best of our lives and we do that by traveling as much as possible, therefore I know a lot about the problems you can encounter when traveling this way.

So that’s why I am also offering myself as a tour guide for persons with a disability.

Join me, and let me show you my country and you will not be disappointed.

This is my Volkswagen Transporter, as you can see it is fully equipped to handle a person i a wheelchair and two people in the back next to the wheeler (two person’s bench) and one person up front (And me of course otherwise where not going anywhere 

Send a mail to TheDutchGuide and we’ll talk about the possibilities

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